10 5 / 2016
Release notes: April
Release Notes is our monthly update that highlights the recent product improvements we’ve made, so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new. Here’s what we launched in April.
Connected tasks
Let’s say you want to merge few PDF files and then rotate some of the pages, and compress the PDF file at the end.
Before you’d have to download the result from one task and re-upload it to the next. We’re trying to make workflows as smooth as possible, so we’ve connected the result from our task to the next.
Rename results before saving to Dropbox or Google Drive
Before you would have to first save the file to Dropbox, then go in your Dropbox and rename it. We’ve simplified this, now you can rename your file right from the results page.
Output filename patterns are remembered
Small things make a big difference. If you’re doing the same task twice, and you’ve configured your output filename patterns for the first task, most likely you’ll want to do the same second time as well. We’re making things easier, remembering your settings so second time you don’t have to re-configure them.
Drag multiple pages at once when combining and reordering
When merging multiple files and reordering their pages it’s helpful sometimes to re-arrange multiple pages at once. That’s now simple: select multiple pages and then drag and drop them all at once to the new location.
Deleting pages is now more intuitive: a handy delete button reveals itself when you hover on the page thumbnails. If you’ve got multiple pages selected, it will ask you if you want to remove them all.
Better fit for smaller monitors
We’ve tweaked the design to better suite smaller monitors and optimise for larger area for page thumbnails.
Added Crop PDF feature
We’ve added a new task to our portfolio: cropping PDF files. Easily trim PDF margins, change PDF page size.
10 5 / 2016
New: Sejda’s Online PDF Editor
We’ve very happy to announce we’re improving our product with a new feature: editing PDF files online.
PDF Editor For The Web
With our Online PDF Editor you can add text to an existing PDF file, add images, insert new pages or delete existing ones and highlight text.
It’s as usual free to edit PDF files within the free user’s limits that apply to the rest of the website.
We have a few more features planned for the PDF editor, including:
- adding comments
- rotating pages
- redacting text
- adding geometric shapes
- form fields
Give it a try: Edit PDF files online. We’d love your feedback in the comments below.
Happy PDF crunching!
01 3 / 2016
Sejda featured by Google Chrome Store
Hello folks,
We’re happy and proud to share with you that our Sejda PDF was featured on the homepage of Google Chrome Store

Sejda is a great tool for working with PDFs. Give it a try today.
22 2 / 2016
Converting PDF documents to Word .docx format
Hello everyone,
We’ve quietly released a PDF to Word converter, currently in beta.
Our conversion algorithm focuses on PDF text document, optimising for legibility when creating the output Word document. This means that some complex layouts that look great in the original PDF will not be preserved in the .doc.
Text formatting and paragraphs, on the other hand, will be analysed and we’ll focus on preserving them.
Repetitive headers and footers like “Page 1″, “Page 2″ or “Title here - Chapter one”, “Title here - Chapter two” will be removed.
Images are also preserved, and we do our best to place them in the correct text context.
Use-cases with good results for the PDF to DOC converter are scientific papers with or without double column layouts, web articles, books.
Task is currently in beta, so expect some documents to crash or return poor results. If you find this feature useful we’d love to hear more about what works well for you and what needs more improvement.
Have a good week!
– Your friends at Sejda
22 2 / 2016
How to Crop PDF files online
Greetings friends,
We’ve released a new feature on Sejda: cropping PDF files. This comes handy when you have a PDF document and you need to trim its margins or reduce the size of its pages.
Once you upload the PDF document you’ll see a preview where the first 30 pages are rendered transparently one on top of the other, so it’s easy to figure out what is the minimal bounding box that matches all of them.
Click and drag over the page preview to select the area to crop. Then click then “Crop PDF” button to continue.
Here’s a short animated walkthrough:
Hope you’ll find this feature useful. As always, we’d love to hear your opinion in the comments section below. Let us know if you find the feature useful or if there’s something we could improve!
Happy PDF crunching!
01 2 / 2016
Open your Google Drive PDF files with Sejda
We’ve had integration with Google Drive for a while now. Instead of uploading a local file, you could just pick it from your Google Drive.

But now things got even better. You can open your Google Drive files using Sejda right from the Google Drive UI.
- Right click a Google Drive file, choose “Open with”
- Then “Connect more apps”
- Search for “Sejda” then press “ENTER”
- Click “Connect”, then press “Ok”
- Dismiss the modal window
- Right click the file again and choose “Open with” > “Sejda”
Here’s a visual walk-through the whole flow:
And then, once your Sejda results are ready, you can now save them directly to Google Drive.
We think that’s going to make for a smoother integration with Google Drive.
Let us know what you think! Happy PDF crunching!
31 1 / 2016
Process PDF files on premise with Sejda Desktop
Cloud services for processing PDF files are great. No software to install, works quick and hassle free. You’re done in minutes.
Files are uploaded over a secure encrypted connection and are kept private. From a privacy perspective, this is good enough for most people.
Sometimes though you need to work with files that have special privacy considerations. Client data, confidential information that you are not allowed to upload to a third party service. Business files that cannot leave your network.
For these scenarios you need peace of mind privacy.
We’ve build Sejda Desktop for this. It works offline. Files are processed on your computer.
Sejda Desktop offers the same features as the cloud service: the same tasks, the same friendly user interface.
Online or on premise: it’s up to you. Sejda Desktop is available for all PRO subscribers.
20 1 / 2016
Resize page thumbnails
Hello friends!
We’ve been busy working on a new feature: adjusting the size of the page thumbnails.
The zoom feature is pretty neat, but the feedback we received from out users was that they could really use a way to increase the page thumbnail size.
The thumbnail size, once changed, is saved and used next times as well.
Hope you’ll find this little feature useful and it will make your PDF work even more productive.
Want to try it out now? Combine and reorder pdf files online
02 1 / 2016
Compress your PDF files online with Sejda
Howdy Sejda Fans, we have some great news to share.
We’ve added a new task that reduces the size of PDF files.
We’ve all been there: the PDF scans, the print-to-pdf document, the media brochure, the CV that needs emailing. Sometimes PDF files are too large.
Our compression algorithm reduces the size of images to 144 DPI - which should be fine for web and emailing.
On top of that, the resources in the document are optimised so all that are unused are discarded.
Want to give it a quick test? Compress your PDF file online
03 4 / 2013
Convert PDF pages to JPG images
Hey everyone,
We added a new conversion to the Sejda web application: convert PDF to JPG . Given a PDF document, it converts each page to a high quality jpg image. Simple and straight forward!

As usual, feedback is welcome! Let’s make Sejda the best PDF manipulation app out there!
Happy pdf crunching!